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00000000000000000000Chestionar super tare0000000000000000000Miss000000000000000Eu tunsa bob asimetric0000000000000Auto prezentare000000000Ce parere aveti0000Cantec0000aaaaaaaaaaaaAici imi puneti intrebariBankuri seciBeat itBillie JeanCe nota le dati cantaretilorCercei cu MJCeva superCole and Dylan SprouseConcursConcurs de culoriConcurs1Concurs2Concurs3Concurs4Concurs5Concurs6Concurs7Concurs8Concurs9Date despre Black or whiteDate despre melodia Smooth criminalDate despre Michael JacksonDe ceDe prin lume adunateDesene MJDirty DianaDo you remember the timeEarth songFor MichaelFosta mea catelusa numita JullyGhiceste artistulGhiceste numele melodieiGhiceste numele vedeteiGive in to meHa ha haHeal the worldI just can t stop loving youIn the closetInmormantarea lui MichaelJamJustin BIEBERKevin si sotia luiMan in the mirrorManusa lui MJMichael cu animaleMichael JacksonMichael Jackson albMichael Jackson fara operatii esteticeMichael Jackson negruMichael Jackson-Dangerous TourMichael Jackson-HIstory TourMichael Jackson-Liberian GirlO DoamneO trupa incredibilaOchelarii lui MJPalaria MJPantofii lui MJPetrecere in pijama la CeteaPlata pt CelmaifrumoshotelPlata pt HOTELSPECTACULARPlata pt hotelul lui MirAndPlata pt HotelulBurjAlArabPoezie pt Doamna InvatatoarePoezie pt MichaelPovestePoze cu MinEPoze cu mine la serbarePoze Michael JacksonProcentajReclamaReferat despre cucSecrete de frumuseteSweetsTest Michael Jackson-Testeaza-ti cunostinteleThe way you make me feelThey don t care about usThis is itThrillerTu deciziUn desen facut de mine cu chipul lui MichaelVerii mei Lucas si FrancescaVerisoara mea FrancescaWanna be staring somthinWe are the worldWill you be thereYou are not aloneZack si CodyZiua matusii mele la Cetea

membru din 31 January 2010


Nation To Nation
All The World
Must Come Together
Face The Problems
That We See
Then Maybe Somehow We Can Work It Out
I Asked My Neighbor
For A Favor
She Said Later
What Has Come Of
All The People
Have We Lost Love
Of What It's About

I Have To Find My Peace Cuz
No One Seems To Let Me Be
False Prophets Cry Of Doom
What Are The Possibilities
I Told My Brother
There'll Be Problems,
Times And Tears For Fears,
We Must Live Each Day
Like It's The Last

Go With It
Go With It
It Ain't Too Much Stuff
It Ain't Too Much
It Ain't Too Much For Me To
It Ain't
It Ain't Too Much Stuff
It Ain't
Don't You
It Ain't Too Much For Me To

The World Keeps Changing
Rearranging Minds
And Thoughts
Predictions Fly Of Doom
The Baby Boom
Has Come Of Age
We'll Work It Out

I Told My Brothers
Don't You Ask Me
For No Favors
I'm Conditioned By
The System
Don't You Talk To Me
Don't Scream And Shout

She Pray To God, To Buddha
Then She Sings A
Talmud Song
Confusions Contradict
The Self
Do We Know Right
From Wrong
I Just Want You To
Recognize Me
In The Temple
You Can't Hurt Me
I Found Peace
Within Myself

Go With It
Go With It
It Ain't
It Ain't Too Much Stuff
It Ain't Too Much
It Ain't Too Much For Me To
It Ain't
It Ain't Too Much Stuff
It Ain't
Don't You
It Ain't Too Much For Me To
It Ain't Too Much Stuff
It Ain't Too Much
It Ain't Too Much For Me To
It Ain't
It Ain't Too Much Stuff
It Ain't
Don't You
It Aïn't Too Much For Me To

Comentarii album • 2
Diana 26 October 2011  
Melodia asta e prima care a cantat-o in Romania in 1992...e bestiala :x :x
FanaForeverMichaelJackson 2 July 2011  
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